Labels:bulletin board | earth | encyclical | sky OCR: 77 Ahout the BEEr Stack This stack was created by Mark Stevens in an effort to help fellow beer drinkers become more aware of the variety of beers available in the U.S and the quality of each of these beers Comments are welcome and encouraged Electronic comments may be sent to "Mark Stevens on the Macintosh or the beer conf ference of the D.C Magnet BBS (703)356- -0804 Or send EasvPlex mail on CompuServe "71571 54 An uniocked modifiable version of the Beer Stack is available Send $7 for DS- -DD disk to: Brewtech Stack war BOx 405 Glenn Dale MD 20769 1988 Mark pue Michae Brewtech Stackware This stack may be freelu used and copied provided such copying not for monetaru gain encour raged conference EasyPlex unlocked sion Michael annan freely CODU